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Thought Leadership & Industry Advocacy

Part 1 – Introduction to Top Trends in WealthTech Webcast Series

Suzanne Siracuse Tim Welsh Gavin Spitzner Industry trends Advisor Technology Digital Advice

Suzanne Siracuse introduces the panel of industry leaders and INVENT Elite consultants who discuss the Top Trends in WealthTech in this 11 part series.




Suzanne Siracuse, CEO of Suzanne Siracuse Consulting

Oleg Tishkevich, CEO of
Joel Brukenstein, Founder of T3
Gavin Spitzner, President of Wealth Consulting Partners
Tim Welsh, President of Nexus Strategy


Suzanne: Good afternoon, I’m Suzanne Syracuse, the CEO of Suzanne Syracuse Consulting and Invent Elite Senior Consultant. Welcome to Top Trends in WealthTech, a new webcast series featuring some of my INVENT Elite team members, all of whom are well known and highly respected throughout the industry. So welcome, panelists. So glad to see you virtually.

All: Well, it is great to be with you.

Suzanne: So first up, I’d like to introduce Joel Bruckenstein. Joel is the founder of T-3. Next is Tim Welsh, the president of Nexus Strategy, Gavin Spitzer, the president of Wealth Consulting Partners. And last but certainly not least Oleg Tishkevich, the CEO of and the mastermind behind INVENT Elite. So, I’d like to start us off with Oleg sharing why he set out to create INVENT Elite and what actually is INVENT Elite, for those of you that don’t know. Oleg?

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